About Clint Ober

For more than 20 years, Clint Ober has dedicated his life to improving the health of everyone on earth.

In 1998, after a successful career grounding systems in the cable television industry, Earthing pioneer Clint Ober began investigating the potential to improve human health with grounding.

Today, he is the founder of Earth FX Inc., a grounding research and development company based in California through which he helped to develop, and patent, the first indoor Earthing products.

Earthing® and Ground Therapy® are sold by Clint’s companies on this website, www.Earthing.com, and also on Amazon.com and via other select authorized retailers. His products are used by millions of people every day around the globe to improve their quality of life.

Clint grew up on a farm in Montana where daily life existed in balance with Mother Nature. His childhood days were spent chasing cows, baling hay, and walking the long rows of beets and beans pulling weeds while barefoot.

Of this time, Clint notes, “Everything was about the Earth.” Many of Clint’s friends were from the Native American reservation. He noticed that most things they did were different from what he was told was “normal.”

One time, his friend’s mother told him to remove his shoes when they got home from school. “They will make you sick,” she said.

Clint vividly remembers when the sister of his friend became very ill with a bad case of scarlet fever. Her grandfather dug a pit in the ground and placed her in it. He built a fire near the pit and sat nearby. The girl stayed there for a few days and then arose, much better.

It was only later in life that Clint realized that everything his friends’ parents did was based on a much greater knowledge of Nature than he was ever taught.

In the early 1960s , Clint moved to the “big city” and was hired for a position in the fledgling cable television industry. He quickly realized that cable was the future of television and enthusiastically dove into learning all aspects of the business. He organized marketing campaigns, climbed poles, drilled holes, sunk ground rods, and ran the wire to install cable systems in many homes throughout Montana.

After a few years, Clint was hired as the National Director of Marketing for a Denver company that quickly grew to become the largest cable television company in the U.S. (It was eventually acquired by AT&T.)

In 1972, Clint started his own business that specialized in developing cable television systems, as well as broadcast television and microwave communication properties. It soon became the largest provider of cable television marketing and installation services in the country, installing cable in millions of homes. In an age before the internet,

Clint helped pioneer the first-ever cable modem and distribution through personal computers of news reports from news agencies around the world. He was closely involved in the early development of programming and marketing for the cable and telecommunications industries, working with the top visionaries who created Cable News Network (CNN), Home Box Office (HBO), and other major cable networks.

Clint developed a serious abscess that compromised 80% of his liver. As the infection spread throughout most of his body, all of the doctors suggested he put his affairs in order, except one.

A young surgeon mentioned there could be a tiny chance of survival if Clint tried an experimental surgery to remove most of his damaged liver. With nothing to lose, Clint agreed and amazingly, 28 days after surgery he walked out of the hospital to go home.

During his long recovery process, Clint had a lot of time to reflect on his life. He realized that he had spent so much time collecting and accumulating “things” to prove that he was successful that he was now burdened with them.

When he left the hospital, Clint sold his house. He sold his business to his employees and gave all of his artwork to his children. Then, he bought an RV, filled it with a few necessities, and hit the road. He spent the next few years traveling and trying to figure out what his new purpose was in life. He had a sense there was something he was waiting for that just hadn’t revealed itself yet.


Wondering to himself if being disconnected from the earth might affect humans in any way, Clint went back to his hotel room and picked up his voltmeter to try to answer the question. (A voltmeter is an instrument that measures the electrical potential differences between the earth and any electrical object, or any two points in an electrical circuit.)

Clint attached a 50-foot wire to the voltmeter and ran the wire out the living room door and attached it to a simple ground rod he stuck in the earth. Then, he started walking around the hotel room and measuring the electrical charges being created on his body as he moved.

What he found to be most interesting was the amount of electromagnetic field (EMF) induced potential (in volts) on his body increased every time he went near an electrical appliance in the living room and kitchen – except the fridge and his computer tower – which were grounded. This made a lot of sense to him as in the communications industry they grounded electronic equipment to prevent interference from EMFs.

Next, Clint went to the bedroom and lay down on the bed. His body registered with the highest level of EMFs yet. Why? The bed was up against a wall full of hidden electrical wires. He wondered to himself if all these electrical fields could be affecting his ability to fall asleep as he had been having a really difficult time with that lately.

With his curiosity piqued, the following afternoon he headed out to the hardware store and bought some metallized duct tape. He laid some tape on the bed to form a grid, took an alligator clip and attached it to one end of the duct tape. He then connected a wire to the clip and ran it out the window, fastening it to a ground rod sunk in the earth. Clint lay down on bed on top of the grid and noted that the voltmeter registered his body at nearly zero, meaning he was in sync, or grounded to the earth and was not being affected by EMFs.

All of a sudden, Clint woke up and realized it was the next morning. He had fallen asleep with the voltmeter in his hands and had slept through the entire night. Clint hadn’t slept through the night for years without taking pain pills due to chronic back pain as a result of back surgeries.

He wasn’t sure what it all meant yet, but he slept on the grounded grid for the next few nights. Each night he fell asleep easily and slept through the entire night without needing medication to help.


After a few more days of sleeping on his grounded bed, Clint told a few friends about it and asked if he could set up a similar kind of grid on their beds. This was his first casual foray into “grounding” people.

One of his friends reported back, “You know, something is going on here. My arthritis pain is way down.”

Clint realized his chronic pain had improved too. He had completely stopped taking pain pills to make it through the day and to sleep through the night.

After grounding half a dozen people, with all of them reporting better sleep and pain reduction, Clint was starting to get excited. He didn’t understand the exact biology behind what it meant yet, but he knew that when the body wasn’t in contact with the earth it was being bombarded with electromagnetic fields and static electricity, and when it was grounded to the earth, it wasn’t.

He was starting to wonder if just like cable wires, when the human body wasn’t grounded, if its internal circuitry was being disturbed.


Clint started searching for information about grounding and health and didn’t find much. There were a few anecdotal stories about Native Americans that were folklorish in nature and some information about barefoot enthusiast societies. He found considerable information about electrostatic discharge and how people working on computer components and electronic chips had to be grounded in order not to damage any of the components electrically, but it didn’t link anything to the health of the person doing the work. He consulted with a few electronics experts to ensure that sleeping “Earthed” as he was starting to call it was safe, and was reassured that it was.

After coming to the conclusion that no one – in modern day – had researched the grounding/health connection, Clint started reaching out to the scientific community. No one took him seriously and his enthusiasm was always met by blank stares of indifference, laughter, or a negative response. Clint drove out to California in search of a University to back a grounded study.

After repeated rejections, Clint decided to fund his own study to get the ball rolling. After a successful anecdotal study of 60 subjects was published in 2000, a retired anesthesiologist in Southern California who was interested in electric field research, stepped up and said he’d like to prove Clint wrong. The first pilot study was conducted and instead of Clint being proved wrong, he was validated.


Since that time, 22 peer-reviewed research studies have been conducted showing the positive effects grounding has on the human body.

Recognizing that most people are unable to go back to living like their ancestors did (walking barefoot, sleeping on the ground, and being outside most of the day and night) Clint developed indoor grounding products to connect everyone back to the earth’s electrons.

Clint has made it his mission to spread the message of grounding to everyone on earth. To date, he has grounded more than one million people.